
Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Priorities... Can't Live Without 'Em

There’s nothing worse than having to figure out my priorities. Gag. But the beginning of a new semester demands it, because without having an official list drafted, I quickly begin to feel like I’m drowning.

Take, for instance, today.

For those interested, I’m taking five classes this semester:

Advanced Grammar
The Bible as Literature
Intro to TV Production
Shakespeare (The Early Plays)
Spanish 102

Now that the first week's over, the real work's started. Today I had a quiz on Shakespeare’s As You Like It. Tomorrow I’ve a quiz on Genesis 1-25 and my first blog post due about a biblical topic (of my choosing) that I’ll be exploring throughout the semester. I must have a proposal for a 30-minute television pilot written and ready to present on Thursday. In addition to school I’m putting the finishing touches on a web site for Shannon’s new school, in the midst of trying to keep up this blog’s weekly schedule. Oh yes, can’t forget the research for query letters that I’m determined to continue to send until I finally get an assignment. And wait! And write for the university’s newspaper, with the first staff meeting tonight!

All on top of taking care of my child and keeping a (reasonably) clean house, of course.

Needless to say, it’s time. I need that list signed and notarized. Because without priorities lined up, I’ll sink. Suffocate under the pressure of trying to be perfect at everything.

On one hand, I’d like to make all A’s again. I accomplished it for the first time last semester and it felt like a thousand “great job” ‘s had been showered down upon me. But I want -- actually I need -- to land a writing assignment. Let’s face it, extra money is always nice, especially when we’re living off a single income. It’d be nice to feel like I’m contributing to us.

I’ve got to keep this blog going. Writers must write, right? I’ve seen such an improvement over the summer and it’s because I’m writing regularly. I can’t let this slide, or at least, not often. But I’m pretty sure it’ll be heavier on the actual blog-type entries, such as this, rather than the short essays I prefer. I guess it depends where this lands on the list, eh?

The top of my list -- the coveted #1 slot -- is my husband and daughter. Obviously. They are always the top, and I can’t lose sight that they are the reason (in addition to self-satisfaction) that I’m doing it all. I can live with a (reasonably) cluttered house, I suppose. Out of all the priorities, it lands on the bottom.

So for the rest of the week I’ll be juggling things around, determining what fills #2 and so on, and living out the next few months accordingly. Because if not, I’ll go crazy.

Know what I mean?

* * * * * * * * * *

How do you determine your priorities?

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