I had more than a little help. Half of 'em aren't mine, but collaboration is a good thing.
Strange, perhaps, but we do what we do, right? And this is how I deal.
So enjoy...
30 Reasons I'm Ready for 30
30. I can shower in 7 minutes or less.
29. I bought my first gourd last week.
28. Friends is on Nick at Nite, meaning it will be in syndication forever.
27. Instead of resenting my husband's boys' night out, I encourage it.
26. I plan out my families' meals two weeks in advance.
25. I can't remember the last time I cut myself shaving.
24. The first $10 in birthday money went to buy Nyquil.
23. I've learned to hang my keys in the exact same spot when I walk in the door.
22. I've learned to hang my sunglasses, purse, and jacket in the exact same spot when I walk in the door.
21. I buy my Oil of Olay soap in bulk.
20. I still remember the Strawberry Wine lyric that says, "I still remember when thirty was old. . ."
19. I think about buying a pill box.
18. I actually ssh'd a girl at a concert the other night. And people thanked me. Side note: you never talk loudly at The Civil Wars' concert.
17. My iCal is set up to remind me about everything: weekly ballet, changing the air filter, snacks for school, birthdays, Nat'l Dessert Day, etc.
16. I steamed Shannon's Wonder Woman cape before her party last weekend.
15. I get away with wearing boring, comfortable shoes (a.k.a. TOMS) and going to bed early (from Mermaids & Sailors below).
14. A Dyson & new cookware is on my list of "Top Things I Really Want" (inspired by Mica Mecham below).
13. I no longer care what other people think of me. Translation: I will drop Shan off at school without wearing makeup (inspired by my aunt Lee Ann).
12. I avoid going to bars to avoid the smoky atmosphere (thanks to Jenn Boozer below).
11. I joined a gym because I was worried about my cardiovascular health, not my thighs (thanks to KVal below).
10. Being carded at the grocery store for buying wine is a compliment, not an insult (thanks to KVal below).
9. Younger people tell you gossip because you don't know the people they're talking about and frankly don't care (thanks to Mica Mechum).
8. Medical professionals are becoming the same age as you (thanks to Mica Mechum).
7. Your mother calls at 6 a.m. to wish you a happy birthday and you're already awake and getting ready for work (thanks to Justin Young).
6. All of a sudden my parents don't seem so old (thanks to Kyrsten Taylor, 22-year-old).
5. I've started calling my friends by their married names (thanks to Cassie Carter).
4. I look at people's yards that have been rolled with toilet paper and think, "Stupid kids."
3. I've learned that my opinion matters just as much as the next person's.
2. I'm beginning to realize the value of another birthday. . . and another. . .
1. You have six people and one beer at your 30th birthday "bash." And it's exactly what you wanted.
* * * * *
Thanks for all the help, folks!
Getting away with wearing boring, comfortable shoes and going to bed early.
Being called ma'am and having teens show you a little respect (even if it is weird at first).
Still getting carded.
Knowing that you've lived a lifetime and still looking forward to what's next.
Ok, I knew I was thirty when the following happened:
1.) I realized I was opting for crocs over heels!
2.) When I decided it was too much trouble to get dressed up and go out at night on the weekend 3.)When I stopped shopping at Abercrombie and Fitch because their music was annoyingly too loud (among other reasons)
4.) I realized my students were in the 3rd grade when 9-11 happened! 5.) I reference Sinfield and my students don't know the Soup Nazi, yadayadayada or any other great quote from the show.
6.) I asked my mom to borrow her pants! Ouch.
7.) I found myself complaining that I couldn't understand the mumbling of some of the current popular musicians on the radio.
8.) I realized I would rather listen to talk radio than music
9.)decided that getting a tattoo was an immature thing to do...didn't I get 3 in my early 20s? yep!
10.) Asked for a vacuum as a gift
11.) and by far, the moment I realized I was thirty was when I traded in an SUV for a mini-van and was honestly super stoked about it!
1.Avoid going to bars and opt to sip wine at home with my husband to avoid that terrible smokey aroma in my hair, clothes and pores... and I am TOTALLY OK WITH IT.
2.Listen to any music I damn well please and care less what other people think.
That's all I can think of at the moment... you covered alot of them. :)
1. I joined a gym because I was worried about my cardiovascular health, not my thighs.
2. I no longer fooled myself into thinking I had all the answers.
3. Being carded at the grocery store for buying wine became a compliment, not an insult.
4. I started choosing quieter restaurants so that I could actually carry on conversations with my friends.
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